Lesson 19, art and gamesSo, I wrote the book, right? FHEasy is a pretty bold title for someone who came from a family where many family home evenings were unsuccessful. But, it’s true. Family home evening is easy for us. It’s not stressful for me anymore, ever.

So here’s how it usually works. While everyone is eating breakfast on Sunday morning, we  pick a topic from the Table of Contents in our FHEasy book and read the first scripture, which is also the theme scripture for the week. On Monday night we try to remember to include the FHE opening prayer with our dinner prayer. We get everyone eating and then I quickly scan the lesson ideas. We sing a song or two that’s listed for that topic. I read the theme scripture and quote and then pick a scripture story. I tell the story while holding the Gospel Art picture that goes along with it. Often we have discussions about something in the lesson, especially if there’s a point I want them to understand or a part of church history I would like them to know. After the discussion, we clear the table and do our activity if there’s time. That’s it for most weeks.

On occasion, we’ll do some kind of family home evening treat, but I don’t make that a regular thing or an expectation.

If we have a little more time, I have the kids help with the lesson and we usually do more of the ideas listed in the book. Then we clear the table, take our time with the activity that’s suggested in the book, and sometimes we choose something out of our family-home-evening-activity box, too.

That’s it. Simple, fun, and effective.

Happy Home Evenings!

