LDS Temple - Edmonton Alberta CanadaWatching a good video can be a great way to start or enhance a family home evening. Here are links to three of my favorite videos on the temple, a kid-friendly introduction to pornography, and what Elder Uchtdorf always keeps in his pockets. Enjoy!

“Focus on the Temple” used in FHEasy’s “Agency and Accountability” lesson, pp. 76-79

This 3-minute video includes prophets and others sharing their testimony of the temple. The link takes you to a page that has other temple-related videos you can watch as well.

“What Should I Do When I See Pornography?” used in FHEasy’s lesson “Article of Faith 13: Focusing on Virtue”, pp. 68-71

This 5.5-minute video starts with focusing on the amazing body and how important it is to care for the body. It says that one danger in today’s world is pornography. It describes what pornography is, where you might come across it, how to think about it, and what to do when you happen to see it. It emphasizes that natural attraction is meant to create loving families. It recommends to call it what it is, “turn it off and turn away”, talk to adults you trust, and pray for help. It really is a great video to introduce this topic.

“Counsel for Youth” used in FHEasy’s “For the Strength of Youth: Introduction and Overview” lesson, pp. 72-75

This 42-second video is of Elder Uchtdorf showing what he always keeps in his pockets and why. On the Facebook page he wrote, “If I could give personal counsel to young people, I would tell them this: let the teachings of the “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet sink into your heart. If you live by them, you will always do right.”

This FHEasy lesson is a favorite for my kids because of the treat object lesson that goes along with it. It’s a favorite of mine because of my gratitude for and testimony of the standards in “For the Strength of Youth.”

FHEasy book coverVideo or No…

I wrote FHEasy to help families make meaningful family home evenings both practical and enjoyable. If you haven’t already gotten a copy, please do so, and share it with your friends and family members.

Here’s what one Amazon reviewer said about it:

I was given this book for Christmas, and it is AWESOME! Fun, involved, kid-friendly, and so dummy-proof that even I can’t screw it up! Excellent book.

Whether or not you use videos in your family home evenings or FHEasy in any way, I wish you (as always)

Happy Home Evenings!
